What you should know about your pump and filter – let’s explore!

Correct Filtering Hours

In general, we recommend that you filter for:

12 hours per day in summer, and

6-8 hours per day in winter

Adjust your summer filtering hours to suit your pool size…

In winter, you can reduce the filtering hours by half.

Filtering times measured in Hours

Pool Size
Filter Size:2 Bag
Pump Size: 0.6kw
Filter Size: 3 Bag
Pump Size: 0.75kw
Filter Size: 4 Bag
Pump Size: 1.1kw
10000 2 2 1.5
15000 3 2.5 2
20000 4 3 3
25000 5 4 3.5
30000 6 5 4
35000 7.5 5.5 5
40000 8.5 6.5 5.5.
45000 9.5 7 6
50000 10.5 8 7
60000 13 10 8
70000 15 11 9.5
80000 17 13 11
90000 19 14.5 12.5
100000 21 16 14



Ave pool size = 50,000L, 0,75kW pump and 3 bag filter.
Filtering hours in summer = 8 hours, in winter = 4 hours

How Does The Pool Pump And Filter Work?

The pool pump pulls water from the pool and pushes it through the filter where debris is trapped, and then returns the clean water back into the pool

Selecting The Correct Setting For Your Filter

You will find the multiport valve mounted on the filter. To select the required setting, simply push down on the handle and turn to the correct setting.

There are 6 settings on the multiport valve


This is the normal setting for filtering your pool water


This setting re-compacts the sand in the filter after backwashing.


This setting returns water to the pool without passing through the filter


This setting removes water from the pool without passing through the filter


This setting must only be used if the pump is turned off, as it stops water flow to the filter and the pool


This setting is used to clear debris and contaminants from the filter